Friday, September 7, 2012


teaching has been such a struggle lately. the kids just seem to be out of control and not listen to anything that me, or the other teachers say. it has been a good test of patience for me seeing how... well, i have none. i am trying every day. i think of each kid before i go to bed at night and pray for each of them for their individual needs and it seems to be getting better but holy cow i am glad its friday and the weekend is HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

today i checked my email and i had an email from the universe and it i thought it was very fitting for this weeks trials... i hope everyone has a good weekend....

"Stevie, of all the joys on earth, few compare to the crowning glory of achieving against the odds, succeeding in the face of peril, or triumphing over adversity.
Wouldn't you say?
Yet in every such case, without exception, the poor odds, the peril, and the adversity must come first.
Feeling blessed Stevie?
    The Universe"


  1. totally laughing at you right now...;) and sympathizing at the same time. hang in there!

  2. you totally know where im coming from huh amy! teaching is so much harder then i had ever thought it would be! PROPS!!!!!!!!
