Monday, July 30, 2012

anndd here we are...

my first post, of my first traveling blog, of my first living experience away from salt lake city utah, of my first being with NO ONE i know... and the list of "firsts" goes on. 
as of today, i am seventeen days from departure and the date keeps getting closer and closer it seems... i am slowly packing and getting odds and ends together for me to help teach but the list never seems to end...
my flight information came a week or so ago and i am so excited. i will be flying to chicago (never been) for layover for a few hours and then flying to frankfurt germany (also, never been) for like ten or so hours... we are going to be checking our things into lockers and wandering the streets of both places and soaking all that we can in that short amount of time. oh the joy!
i am very excited. it will  be full of many more firsts, and new things. new friends, new places, new food ect. i am hoping to be able to have enough time at least a few times a week to be able to update this blog and hold your interest for a few moments or so... we will see what time brings.
although i dont know what it will be like or how busy i will be, i would LOVE your emails of encouragement or, if you realllly want to make me happy, written letters of love.
 -my email is: 
 -my written address is: 
Dmitri Konikov
For: Stevie Z. Hansgen
Karaliauciaus g. 13 B-15
Vilnius, Lithuania
(i dont know what it means, other then i know for me to be able to get it, you have to write it exactly like this...) 
