Saturday, September 22, 2012

kid vidzz

shout out to ali huesser.... ahhahah :)
ohh ignas. this is the CLASSIC ignas. he always tries to explain things to us, and you can just see his cute little body get to frustrated cause he doesnt know the words to try and explain what he is thinking. we kind of mess with him though cause 89% of the time we understand what he is tying to say but hes just so cute so we play dumb so he will explain. hahahah so adorable. in this one hes trying to explain the game, red-light, green-light to me because we played in a week ago and he loved it.
this one was ignas trying to explain how he got hurt, but now he isnt anymore. hahaha

duck duck goose.... karina was confused for the entire game. any time someone would say "goose" she would just get up and run. the kids got frustrated and tried to explain it to her like 3-4 times but then got sick of it. ahahhaa we just kind of let it happen hahaha

i taught the kids how to play freeze tag. they loved it..... but didnt necessarily understand the concept of freezing/staying still. hahahah

this is a video of the whole class singing a silly song that they love to sing but i want you all to focus on nikol. (white shirt and jeans, the one singing the LOUDEST)
and notice how she LOVES this song and how her hips do not lie while dancing to this song. hahaha she kills me!
they were pretending to sleep... i dont know?

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